I have been a Christian my entire life. I loved the church. I loved reading my Bible. I loved fellowship. However, more than once, I felt stale with only the same tools at my disposal. In my work as a Christian therapist, I have heard these sentiments from many Christians including Pastors.
There had to be more. My soul yearned for more.…scripture seems to suggest there is more.
Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls;
all your waves and breakers have swept over me. (Psalm 42:7)
Church was fine; however, it felt shallow and repetitive. The same phrases. The same platitudes. Same easy answers. The same simple message. I wanted more. I was tired of feeling like my prayers were hitting the ceiling. I couldn’t stand praying the way I was taught to pray. I wanted intimacy with our God. I wanted to mix it up. I wanted to wrestle with Him. I wanted to be free from the sweet Christian mold. I wanted to be Mary breaking barriers, pushing cultural limits, and boldly extravagantly loving Jesus with her entire being.
I wanted more. There had to be more.
I found my people. I found hungry people. They are out there. People who want to radically love Jesus. People who want their walk to be their walk and not a copy of someone else’s. There is only one way, and that is Jesus; however, your walk is your walk. What do you want it to look like?
Is yours filled with dancing? singing? painting? silence? writing? joke telling? deep scholarly study? engaging with the desert mothers and fathers? While bible reading, prayer, and churchgoing are the staples in this walk, what else can he be inviting you?
Connecting Deeper

Everyone has a unique path to God. With the highest possible Christology as our anchor point, what does a radical relationship with God look like for you?
Relationship Ministries is about creating a community of learners, listeners, and wonderers. It is not a destination that we seek but a way of being with the most high God, who desires to be in a deep relationship with each of us individually and in community. Learn more here.
We well know that this journey with God is designed to have companions. Spiritual Formation Direction or Coaching can take many forms at many different paces. Direction is about a relationship that can witness, reflect, and listen with you as you engage with the Divine Trinity. Learn more about Relationship Ministries here.